15 – 16 | 03 | 25
AVARIE and Labor Neunzehn are thrilled to take part for the first time in the fourth edition of the Leipzig Photbook Festival from March 15 to 16, 2025, at HALLE 14 – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst in Leipzig’s Baumwollspinnerei.
You are very welcome to join us!
You are very welcome to join us!
28 | 11 – 01 | 12 | 24
28 November | an independent book fair | Bulevard Art and Media Institute | Tirana
AVARIE is delighted to make its debut at the third edition of 28 November, an Independent Book Fair, taking place at the Bulevard Art and Media Institute in Tirana, Albania, from Thursday, November 28, to Sunday, December 1, 2024.
On this occasion, Giuliana Prucca, founder and artistic director of AVARIE, will present the book Snaturamenti | a workbook by Flatform on displacement, which she curated and published in collaboration with Light Cone éditions, accompanied by a screening of the short film A Place to Come by the collective artist from Milan.
On this occasion, Giuliana Prucca, founder and artistic director of AVARIE, will present the book Snaturamenti | a workbook by Flatform on displacement, which she curated and published in collaboration with Light Cone éditions, accompanied by a screening of the short film A Place to Come by the collective artist from Milan.
25 | 11 | 24 __ 7 pm
DEVENIR MINÉRAL | SNATURAMENTI | book presentation and screening | Leporello | Rome
At Leporello – photobooks et al., for the first time in Rome, Giuliana Prucca, founder and artistic director of AVARIE, will present her critical essay Devenir minéral, published by L’éditeur du dimanche in Paris, and Snaturamenti | a workbook by Flatform on displacement, co-published with Light Cone éditions.
The presentation will feature the screening of Flatform's short film A Place to Come (2011).
06 – 10 | 11 | 24
POLYCOPIES Photography Books | Paris
AVARIE and Labor Neunzehn are thrilled to announce our debut at Polycopies, the Photography Book Fair taking place from November 6 to 10, 2024, at the Concorde-Atlantique Boat and Seine River Banks, in the framework of Paris Photo.
Super 8 filmmaker Helga Fanderl and Giuliana Prucca, founder and artistic director of AVARIE, will be signing their publications on Friday, November 8, at AVARIE | Labor Neunzehn table.
Super 8 filmmaker Helga Fanderl and Giuliana Prucca, founder and artistic director of AVARIE, will be signing their publications on Friday, November 8, at AVARIE | Labor Neunzehn table.
05 – 06 | 07 | 24
AVARIE and Labor Neunzehn are delighted to have been invited by La Librairie du Palais to present their publications at the MIRAGE Photobook Fair, from Friday, July 5 to Saturday, July 6, at 14 rue de Vernon, in the framework of Les Rencontres d’Arles opening week.
04 | 07 | 24 __ 3 pm
DEVENIR MINÉRAL | book signing | Librairie du Palais, Arles
During the opening week of Les Rencontres d’Arles festival, Giuliana Prucca, founder and artistic director of AVARIE, is thrilled to sign her book Devenir minéral, a critical essay on mineral matter in art and literature, published by L’éditeur du dimanche. Looking forward to meeting you on Thursday, July 4, at 3 pm, at La Librairie du Palais, 10 rue du Plan de la Cour.
02 – 03 | 07 | 24
On Tuesday, July 2, and Wednesday, July 3, from 1 pm to 7:30 pm, you are very welcome to join AVARIE and Labor Neunzehn at the Ecole Nationale supérieure de la photographie for the third edition of the Arles Books Fair, organized by France Photobook, at the invitation of Les Rencontres d’Arles.
17 | 06 | 24 __ 6 pm
17-21 June 2024 | Labor Neunzehn | Berlin
Second event of KAMERA SERIES | experimental films and printed matter’s fourth edition. KAMERA is a screening program and exhibition of moving images, video art works and artists' books in a former GDR building in Berlin, focusing on critical exchanges about contemporary image. KAMERA is presenting
EIN WINDIGER FRÜHLINGSTAG, an installation by Helga Fanderl featuring a program of Super 8 films, books, sketches, analog equipment, various objects belonging to the artist, and live projections.
31 | 05 | 24 __ 6 pm
SNATURAMENTI | book presentation and screening | Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi | Pinault Collection, Venice
On Friday 31 May 2024, The Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi hosts the presentation of “SNATURAMENTI | a workbook by Flatform on displacement”, published by AVARIE and Light Cone éditions. The event is led by Giuliana Prucca, founder and artistic director of the independent publishing house AVARIE (Paris), Flatform and Emmanuel Lefrant, filmmaker and director of the distribution company Light Cone (Paris). The presentation is accompanied by screenings of the artist’s films and performance works.
16 | 05 | 24 __ 6 pm
16-21 May 2024 | Labor Neunzehn | Berlin
KAMERA SERIES | experimental films and printed matter is back for the fourth year with a new screening program and exhibition of moving images, video art works and artists' books in a former GDR building in Berlin, focusing on critical exchanges about contemporary image.
15 | 02 | 24 __ 8 pm
15 February 2024 | Café Babette | KINDL | Berlin
AVARIE - together with Flatform, Light Cone éditions and graphic designer Vito Raimondi - is glad to present its latest publication SNATURAMENTI at the next edition of INFO ON BOOKS hosted by Café Babette, Kindl – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin.
23 | 11 | 23 __ 12 pm
23 - 26 November 2023 | Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
AVARIE - together with Labor Neunzehn and graphic designer Vito Raimondi - is thrilled to announce our debut at the Tokyo Art Book Fair, taking place from November 23rd to 26th, 2023, at the Museum of Contemporary Art.
20 | 10 | 23 __ 5 pm
20 - 22 October 2023 | die Angewandte | Vienna
AVARIE - in collaboration with Labor Neunzehn - is very pleased to take part in the second edition of VABF #2, the Vienna Art Book Fair organized by dasbuchkunst, from Friday, October 20, to Sunday, October 22, 2023.
11 | 10 | 23 __ 6 pm
11 - 30 October 2023 | ADI Design Museum | Milan
AVARIE and Labor Neunzehn’s KAMERA CAHIERS n° 1-6 are on show during Oggetto Libro | Biennale Internazionale del libro d'Artista e di Design at the ADI Design Museum in Milan, from October 11th to 30th.
29 | 09 | 23 __ 5 pm
ROLLING PAPER #5 | Independent photo book festival 2023
29 September - 1 October 2023 | Le Bal | Paris
AVARIE - in collaboration with Labor Neunzehn - is very pleased to take part in the fifth edition of ROLLING PAPER, the independent photo book festival organized by Le Bal Books in Paris, from Friday, September 29, to Sunday, October 1, 2023.
22 | 09 | 23 __ 5 pm
MISS READ | Berlin art book fair & festival 2023
22-24 September 2023 | HKW | Berlin
AVARIE - in collaboration with Labor Neunzehn - is very delighted to invite you to join us at the next edition of MISS READ, a public gathering dedicated to discourse around artists' books, conceptual publications, and publishing as an artistic and political practice, taking place from Friday, September 22, to Sunday, September 24, 2023.
05 – 06 | 07 | 23__ 10 am - 4 pm
A collective thinking on rupture's phenomena proposed by AVARIE at the invitation of leboudoir2dot0.
A two-day program of presentations, conversations, screenings and an independent art book circus during the Rencontres d’Arles photo festival.
An OFF of the OFF event with international guests proposed by Le BIR - Bureau d'Investigation du Réel - at the Maison de la Vie Associative.
20 | 06 | 23 __ 6 pm
20-24 June 2023 | Labor Neunzehn | Berlin
Second event of KAMERA SERIES | experimental films and printed matter’s third edition. KAMERA is a screening program and exhibition of moving images, video art works and artists' books in a former GDR building in Berlin, focusing on critical exchanges about contemporary image.
31 | 05 | 23 __ 5:30 pm
SNATURAMENTI | book presentation and screening | MAMbo Bologna
On Wednesday 31 May 2023, MAMbo presents SNATURAMENTI, a workbook on displacement by the collective artist FLATFORM, active in the field of moving images with experiments that embrace both cinema and contemporary art. Curated by Giuliana Prucca, the book is published by AVARIE and Light Cone éditions, Paris.
26 | 05 | 23 __ 12 noon
BOOKS | Bologna art book festival 2023
26-28 May 2023 | MAMbo Bologna
AVARIE - in collaboration with Labor Neunzehn - is very happy to take part in BOOKS, first edition of the artists’ book festival, curated by Danilo Montanari editore and Lorenzo Balbi at MAMbo - Museum of Modern Art in Bologna - Sala delle Ciminiere, from Friday 26 through Sunday 28 May, 2023.
24 | 05 | 23 __ 6 pm
SNATURAMENTI | book presentation and screening | FONDAZIONE MERZ Turin
On Wednesday 24 May 2023, Fondazione Merz presents SNATURAMENTI, a workbook on displacement by the collective artist FLATFORM, active in the field of moving images with experiments that embrace both cinema and contemporary art. Curated by Giuliana Prucca, the book is published by AVARIE and Light Cone éditions, Paris.
10 | 03 | 23 __ 6 pm
10-15 March 2023 | Labor Neunzehn | Berlin
KAMERA SERIES | experimental films and printed matter is back for the third year with a new screening program and exhibition of moving images, video art works and artists' books in a former GDR building in Berlin, focusing on critical exchanges about contemporary image.
11 | 01 | 23 __ 6 pm
SNATURAMENTI | book launch | mumok Vienna
Presentation of SNATURAMENTI | a workbook by FLATFORM on displacement at mumok | museum moderner kunst in Vienna on January 11th, 2023 in the framework of the film retrospective In Person | Flatform | Movements of an impossible time at Stadtkino im Künstlerhaus | Freies Kino.