AVARIE [a-va-rì-e]: plur. of avaria, fem. n. [deriv. from Arabic 'awār "damage, scratch, break"; Fr. avarie; Sp. avería; Ger. Havarie; Engl. average], 13th c. 1 mar. Damage suffered by a ship or its cargo during navigation; also the particular condition a ship or an aircraft is in after being damaged 2 law Contribution covering the entire cargo of the ship in order to compensate any loss or damage at sea 3 transf. Damage of any kind that prevents the normal operation of a machine or technical system etc. 4 transf. Deterioration of goods during shipment or while stocked in warehouse 5 Acronym of Artbooks Vuoti A Rendere International Edition
Vuoti A Rendere is an Italian expression to indicate empty containers, generally bottles, that need to be returned to the vendor according to a clause that not only asks for their return, but also requires a cash deposit from the buyer. AVARIE takes an interest in the artistic process as a form of restitution and resistance by something that disappears or emerges and continues to emerge. The books that are created and proposed by AVARIE are conceived like a last trace of an emptiness that continues revealing itself in a form.
press review

AVARIE [Artbooks Vuoti A Rendere International Edition] is a
Paris-Berlin based independent publisher, specializing in contemporary
art and photo books, and exploring the relationship between texts and
images, space and body.With an authorial approach and a focus on the quality of contents and materials, AVARIE sees books as a space of creation and research
that results from a close collaboration with the artist and the graphic designer, at the outskirts of commercial production, intending to deepen the concept of emptiness and show the artistic process as a form of resistance of the body and a trace of (dis)appearance.
Beyond the difference in authors and subjects, each of its publications reflects an interest in the transversality of artistic disciplines and the overcoming of languages, in the status of the image and its subversive potential, in order to short-circuit the system of representation and to question the classical form of the book and make it a place for experimentation.
Through a dynamic and coherent montage of different materials (photography and film, drawing and installation, writing and collage), the book presents itself as a plastic object that allows the passage from one medium to another and as a performative practice involving not only the artist and the publisher, but also the reader-viewer, free to move within the volume and to reconstruct its meaning.
AVARIE's open to a variety of collaborations, including Light Cone, a Paris nonprofit organisation whose aim is the distribution, promotion and preservation of experimental films, and Labor Neunzehn, a Berlin cross-disciplinary project space focused on new media and committed to the dissemination of expanded cinema, contemporary music and publishing.
AVARIE was founded in 2012 by independent curator, researcher, writer and editor Giuliana Prucca. With a PhD in French literature and visual studies, she has authored numerous critical articles, an essay on Antonin Artaud and Peter Downsbrough, and a recent publication delving into mineral matter in art and literature. This book was granted by the Centre National du Livre and published by L'éditeur du dimanche, Paris. Proficient in translating artists' texts, including works by Antoine d’Agata, Yves Klein, and Gina Pane, she shares expertise in publishing practices and curates exhibitions encompassing photography, experimental film, and performance.
Vito Raimondi is a graphic designer and art director with a focus on book design and layout. Following his training and early professional experiences in Italy, he lived between France and Germany, specializing in the design of art books, reports, and data visualization. Based in Berlin since 2014, he has pursued his career as an independent designer, engaging in numerous collaborations within the fields of publishing and consultancy for international organizations.
Widely exhibited and shortlisted for several book prizes (such as the Author Book and Photo Text Book Award at Les Rencontres d’Arles, the Best Photography Book of the year Award at PhotoEspana17, the Artists’ Book European Award Bob Calle in Paris, and Oggetto Libro in Milan), AVARIE’s books are often the starting point to organize and curate multimedia exhibitions and presentations, among which From static oblivion: Ion Grigorescu – Minimum Lab, Palermo, during Manifesta12 (2018); Noctiluca – The Others Fair, Ex-Carcere Le Nuove, Turin (2015) and I do not want to disappear silently into the night: Katrien de Blauwer – Fotoleggendo, Officine Fotografiche, Rome (2015).
We are currently working on KAMERA series, a screening programme of experimental films, video art works and printed matter co-curated with Labor Neunzehn, Berlin.
Recipient of the SMC award for the Los Angeles Art Book Fair 2020, granted by Printed Matter, New York.
[…] Photo Text Book Award, Les Rencontres d'Arles (France) 2012-2017 | Katrien de Blauwer at Copyright bookshop, Antwerp (Belgium) 2014 | Prix Bob Calle du Livre d'Artiste, Paris (France) 2019 | Ping Pong: Conversation de 30 classiques du livre photo avec la jeune édition, Les Rencontres du 10e Paris (France) 2015 | The Library Project, Photo Ireland, Dublin (Ireland) 2012 | Disparitions, Galerie Honoré Visconti, Paris (France) 2015 | AVARIE on the move – with photographer Pino Musi, composer Andrea Marini, choreographer Maria Donata D'Urso and digital artist Wolf Ka at in)(between gallery, Paris (France) 2018 | From static oblivion: Ion Grigorescu at Manifesta12 – with Andrea Marini, Maria Donata d'Urso and Wolf Ka – in collaboration with Minimum Lab and Cre.zi.plus, Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Palermo (Italy) 2018 | Noctiluca: from book to wall – with works by Antoine d'Agata, Katrien de Blauwer and Ion Grigorescu – The Others Fair, Ex-Carcere Le Nuove, Turin (Italy) 2015 | I do not want to disappear silently into the night: Katrien de Blauwer at Fotoleggendo – in collaboration with photographer Lina Pallotta and Officine Fotografiche, Rome (Italy) 2015 [...]

© avarie
Engaged in educational activities and in knowledge sharing, Giuliana Prucca | AVARIE teaches image analysis, art and photography history, French and Italian languages and civilizations as well as she organizes workshops on independent publishing as an artistic and curatorial practice. In particular, her “atelier”, Dislocazioni (Displacements) wants to lead to a greater knowledge of the devices useful for the creation of a book, through a theoretical and practical path inspired by cinema, photography, performance and writing. Focusing on rhythm, sequence and simultaneity, duration, memory and oblivion and considering fundamental concepts such as body, architecture, landscape, void, (dis)appearance and trace, participants are encouraged to explore and experience the book as a privileged form of transforming time and movement into visual and perceptual space.
[…] Dislocazioni – worskhop at isole, Turin (Italy) 2019 | Di statiche trasformazioni – workshop at D.O.O.R. Academy, Rome (Italy) 2017 | L'(ex)position d'Antoine d'Agata sur la scène de la chambre – lecture for the panel The Bedroom and the arts. The challenge of intimacy at MSHA, Université de Bordeaux France) 2020 [...]

© avarie